Friday, May 3, 2013

One Year Anniversary

It's been a year now (actually more like a year plus one week) since I started hiking north from the Mexican border along the Pacific Crest Trail and I still think about it every single day. So many great memories. I think about all of the amazing people I met. The trail angels. All of the beautiful landscapes I traveled across.

Sometimes I also think about what I missed out on and wish I had been able to finish. But honestly, I don't regret my decision to get off the trail early. I heard people say reaching Canada was a matter of winning or losing, or that thruhiking is like a marathon for hikers, but I don't see it that way. Sure, my goal was always to hike the entire trail, but I don't feel like falling short of that goal means I "lost" or failed in any way. Quite the opposite. I may not have accomplished my goal, but I got to live my dream of hiking the PCT, something I thought I would never do. I feel like I won the moment I stepped onto the trail and had my picture taken at monument at the southern terminus. Every step after that was just a bonus. I'm proud of myself for making it as far as I did. Not finishing will never erase the great experience I had. The memories will last a lifetime. I know it's a cliché, but it truly was about the journey and not the destination.

That said, I do want to go back to finish the rest of the trail some day, not so much just for the sake of finishing, but more so to see the rest of the trail. I was really excited to hike Oregon and Washington. The good news is that the trail isn't going anywhere. It'll still be there (hopefully) when I'm ready for it. I'm definitely not done with hiking long distances. In addition to finishing the rest of the PCT there are other hikes I want to do, so I'm sure I'll be at it again before long. I miss it too much already! Maybe next year?


  1. It is about the journey. I envy it. If I were able to get that much time off work I would try going with you next time.

    I'm happy that you have so many good memories from it.

  2. It's hard to believe that a year has elapsed since you began your amazing journey! Thanks for sharing your thoughts as you reflect back on that wonderful experience! Tremendous accomplishments!

  3. It's totally a cliché... and a freaking damn good one too! =]

    The journey IS the thing; destinations are often endings that only get in the way. I never feel bad for people who leave the trail, only for those who feel like they "lost" or like they're "quitters". I often wish I could give them a good shake and tell them to look at all they accomplished. It's great to hear from someone who has maintained a good perspective.

    As always, thanks for sharing, Autopilot.

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