Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 72 - Crash

Day 72 - Friday, July 6
Squaw Creek (1,142.9) to North Creek (1,166.3)
Miles today - 23.4

There were a ton of tourists and day hikers on the trail in the Donner Pass area. It felt like we were stepping off the trail every couple minutes to let people pass. Some of them were really excited to talk to us and couldn't believe where we've come from and where we're going. One woman was thrilled just to finally meet some thruhikers, and another said we're her heroes. We're celebrities out here.

There was a bit of trail magic today. We passed a day hiker who said he left a cooler of beer next to his car for thruhikers. Sure enough it was there. I was hoping for a sugary soda, but I won't complain about a cold beer!

Above: Fairway and I enjoying our beer!

I took a spill as I was crossing a small stream on some rocks. My foot slipped and I went crashing down onto the rocks. My foot got a little wet and my knee and elbow got minor scrapes. I was lucky it wasn't more serious.

I think we're officially out of the Sierra now. Time to take on northern California!


  1. Beautiful scenery! You've almost walked the distance between Hinsdale and Red Lodge MT!

  2. That was a long drive. Have I really walked that far?

    1. That drive took us two long days! Can you imagine hiking along the across the state of North Dakota? That would be brutal!
