Guffy Campground (364.5) to Wrightwood (369.5)
Miles today - 5
Short hike to Hwy 2. There was hardly any traffic. Only two or three cars went by in 30 minutes but we got picked up.
I think my hitchhiking sign paid off.
We got to Wrightwood early enough for breakfast. I like Wrightwood way better than Big Bear. It's nice and compact and a short walk to everything. We're all staying at the Pines Motel. I'm sharing a room with Fairway, Iceman, and Brother Man again. The room is really small for four people, but it was super cheap.
(Above: my laundry attire)
After dinner a bunch of us went to a Little League game, which happened to be the first ever night game in Wrightwood. The Cubs played the Angels and everyone cheered for the Cubs for me, and they won.
Now to introduce the group I've been traveling with:
Fairway is from Atlanta and worked in the golf and turf business. He's a Georgia grad and doesn't like to buy Gatorade since it supports the Florida Gators. He's really competitive and always has to be the first person to the top of a climb.
Iceman is a computer engineer from the bay area. He got his trail name in the San Jacintos when the group he was with ran out of water and he saved he day by finding a patch of snow.
Brother Man is an engineer from Phoenix. His brother, Glitter Boy, was hiking the trail with him but had to go home due to injury. Brother Man is going on a trek in Nepal right after the PCT.
Bronco, AKA Jim, is from southern Oregon and was in the Navy during the Gulf War. He's a big guy with legs like tree trunks and he can eat an impressive amount of food.
Then there's Yankee Son and Hallmark. They met while working for Patagonia in San Francisco and are recently married. Hallmark got her name because she carries thank you cards for everyone to sign and she gives them to trail angels. Yankee Son got his name from a neighbor in North Carolina who called him his Yankee son since he was from the north (PA). The neighbor passed away and he's using the name Yankee Son on the PCT as a tribute.
I'm really enjoying getting to know everyone. It's been a totally different experience so far than the one I had on the Colorado Trail, where I was alone 90% of the time.
I really am glad that you're not alone on this and you're making new friends. I'd hate to think of someone not being around if you got hurt out there. Plus they can lend lots of encouragement and take you further. I hope you're still enjoying yourself. You're doing awesome.