Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 29 - Agua Dulce

Day 29 - Thursday, May 24
KOA Campground (444.2) to Agua Dulce (454.9)
Miles today - 10.7

Fairway, Matt, and I hit the trail at 3:30 am and made it to Agua Dulce at 7. We passed Vasquez Rocks, which had some really cool rock formations.

Russ got to town right after us and we all had breakfast together at the Sweetwater Cafe. The food was good, but the waitress had no idea what she was doing. My toast and chocolate milk didn't come out until after I was already done everything else. She lost Fairway's order completely and he had to reorder after waiting about an hour.

After breakfast we made our way over to the Saufley's, who have been hosting hikers for 16 years. This place is incredible. They do laundry for everyone. There are a bunch of tents in the yard with cots for sleeping, and a trailer with a kitchen and shower. There are even bikes for riding into town.

Mouse, who I met on the Colorado Trail last year, was here today briefly. He started at the Mexican border about 14 days ago and has been doing 35-40 miles per day. He's trying to finish the whole trail in 90 days.

For dinner I rode over to Big Mouth Pizza and got a salad and spaghetti. The portions were ridiculously huge and probably could have fed a whole family. I managed to eat most of it.

I'm spending all day here tomorrow and will hike out on Saturday.


  1. I love when I get huge portions at a restaurant. Makes it really feel worth your money.

  2. Wow, I thought your pace was grueling. I couldn't imagine 35-40 a day.
