Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 52 - Glen Pass

Day 52 - Saturday, June 16
Line Pine (788.9) to Woods Creek (799.7)
Miles today - 7.3 side trail + 10.8 PCT = 18.1

Fairway and I went to McDonald's for breakfast. Macho Taco and his girlfriend, Gretchen, met us there and gave us a ride back to the trailhead. On our way through Independence we saw Bronco sitting outside Subway trying to find a ride, so we picked him up. Macho Taco is staying in town until tomorrow, but will try to catch up to us.

It was 7.3 miles back up and over Kearsarge Pass to get back to the PCT.

And from there the trail started climbing immediately up to Glen Pass (12,000').

It was a steep, rocky climb and descent and I can see how it would be really scary if there was more snow like most years, but there were only a few small patches.

We passed several beautiful lakes that were almost turquoise in color.

We got to our planned campsite at Arrowhead Lake and there were swarms of mosquitoes. I've never seen so many before. After being miserable for an hour Fairway and I couldn't take it anymore and we decided to hike another five miles and take our chances at the next camping area. Bronco stayed at the lake. It isn't nearly as bad here at Woods Creek, so we made a good choice. The only problem is that it throws off our schedule. Either we do a really short day tomorrow (11-12 miles) to keep our original plan, or we do a really big day (20-25 miles) with two big passes. There's not really any option in between.

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